
<img src="http://blogimgs.naver.com/nblog/ico_scrap01.gif" class="i_scrap" width="50" height="15" alt="본문스크랩" /> [Etech 2006] From Coder to CoFounder

nullzone 2006. 3. 8.

How to Move from Engineering to Entrepreneuring.. by Marc Hedlund


흥미로운 세션이다. 좋은 개발컨셉이 대중이 사용하는 서비스로 소위 대박(?)을 치면서,

기술을 시작으로 하는 기업화에 관심들이 몰리고 있다.


회원수가 10만 정도만 되어도 M&A 핫이슈가 된다는 미국시장에서는..

더더욱 큰 관심이 생길 수 있을 것 같다.

세션에 참가자가 대부분 기업화를 꿈꾸는 개발자들이긴 하다. ^^


세션 내용은 기업화를 원하는 개발자에게는 베스트, 그러나 결코 개발자를 위한 내용만은 아니다.

세상에 가치가 있는 "Product" 세상밖으로 나오게 할 경우의 내용도 함께 포함되어 있다.


사용자 삽입 이미지

















   - It is good to be king

- Losing sucks 

Building to flip is building to flop

Prudence becomes procrastination

- Momentum builds on itself

- Jump when you are more excited than afraid



   # The Idea


      - pay attention to the idea that wont leave you alone

      -if you keep your secrets from the market,

                              the market will keep its secrets from you

      -immediate yes is immediate no

      -build what you know : social network, IM, email

      - give people what they need, not what they say they needb

      - your ideas will get better the more you know about business



  # People


      -three is fine; two, divine

      -work only with people you like and believe in

      -work with people who like and believe in you, just naturally 

      -great things are made by people who share a passion,

                               not by those who have been talked into one


  # Product


       -cool ideas are useless without great needs

     - build the simplest thing possible

     - solve problems, not potential problems

     - test everything with real people


  # Money


       -Start with nothing, and have nothing for as long as possible

     - The best pitches are plainspoken and entertaining

      (not in that order)

     - never let on that youre keeping a secret

     - no means maybe and yes means maybe

     - for investors, the product is nothing


posted by candy


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